One Day Retreat

A One Day Retreat

You can stop the ruminating. You can ease the suffering. You can find hope, clarity, and confidence. The earth is asking us to heal and providing us with a resource that actually works in a loving, gentle way.

I have spent 20 years running camps and retreats and this model is one that produces transformation, alleviates suffering, and offers hope. Over the last two years, we hosted 34 overnight retreats. I saw people come home to themselves right before my eyes. The testimonials from those who have attended my longer retreats can be read and watched here.

Since our inception in Jan of 2022, the idea for a one day mini retreat continued to pop up into my awareness. The reason I had not jumped on creating it for the public until 2024 was because I did not know if the mini retreat experience could have the same (or at least similar) impacts as the overnight retreat experiences.  I questioned whether or not the ah-ha's and group bonding that happens over several days (and such an important piece to the healing process), was possible in one day. I wondered if participants would feel rushed through their experience and integration. Even with all the wondering, the opportunity came up to give it a shot and I said okay. In 2023 I hosted a one day mini retreat and it was beautiful. I learned where improvements could be made and what worked well. It was a success, albeit different, still spectacular. I then sat down with my giant white board and mapped out the idea further. The one day experience takes less time commitment and is more affordable than the four day experience. It also affords for re-dose opportunities for retreat alums and is a "test the waters" experience for those new to this medicine and are afraid of the heroic dose. 

What if I created an experience that was an initiation or introduction to the healing modalities from my longer retreat experience? What would that look like? The sample schedule is below.

These are larger groups than the four day (up to 15 people) and do not host overnight (unless it is needed). You will want to arrange for travel to and from the home space. We will have up to six people skilled in facilitating journeys to assist. There is space to journey away from the group if needed. The journey is a five to six hour process from start to finish. 

Dates for upcoming events can be viewed on the DATES tab above.

Deposit: $500
Contribution: $1200 total (scholarships are available).

Sample Schedule

The evening before we will do a group check-in call

830am Arrival, Check-In, & Journal Prompts
9am Guided  Meditation
930 Breathwork
1030 Ceremony
4pm Journal
530 Dinner
630 Integration
730 Soundbath
830 Closing
9pm Departure

*A follow up integration Zoom call will be hosted within 14 days from the event.